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![]() New! Sign Up Now, Enter & Confirm your phone and get 3 free SMS credits to your account sendsms.us service allows you to send SMS (Text Messages for cell phones) Word Wide for less.Now you can send text SMS to practically any GSM phone in the World (destinations covered).
Add some color to your SMS, send a color picture with your message! (your party's phone should support WAP)Now you can include link to color picture in your message.
You can buy one of the following SMS bundles. Online Credit and Debit card payments are securely processed through PayPal. New! You can also pay via MoneyBookers. PayPal is accepted by thousands of businesses worldwide and is the preferred payment method on eBay. If you do not have a PayPal account - you do not need to register in PayPal, you can simply click "I do not have a PayPal account" on the PayPal payment page and pay, using your credit card. SMS bundles are priced in US Dollars, but you can pay in Euro or UK Pounds if you prefer. Exchange rates are those provided by PayPal or MoneyBookers. If you would like to use an alternative method of payment (US check/mail order, bank wire transfer), or PayPal and MoneyBookers do not support your country and you want to pay by please email us with details of your preffered method. If PayPal do not support your country you can also try MoneyBookers.
To get a quote for big SMS bundles, please contact us by email:
![]() 3 FREE SMS CREDITSSign Up Now, Enter & Confirm your phone and get 3 free SMS credits to your account SMS Chat!New feature: Cool SMS Chat! Now you can chat with your friend even if he/she do not have access to computer and internet but have his/her cell phone. You can send SMS to your friend's phone from our web site and see his/her replies (yes, your friend can answer to your text messages!) in one easy to use chat session. It is just like ICQ/MSN - but your friend needs only his/her phone (and you need computer and internet)! It is easy - log in at your account, buy some SMS credits (if you do not have it) and start SMS Chat! Visit: http://50sms.com/send-sms.php (You will need to signup first) Try our Secure (SSL) Site
Buy 250 SMS or more (using PayPal) between 20 feb 05 and 01 dec 05 and receive a free gift (phone tattoo)!
We will send you free gift by mail
(we can send only to US, Canada and UK). We will send the gift to your shipping address, you will enter at the PayPal site,
so do not forget to your shipping address at PayPal.